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Why it is difficult to make friends in maturity and how to fight loneliness

Why it is difficult to make friends in maturity and how to fight loneliness

We are increasingly connected, spending many hours on social networks every day, but at the same time more and more lonely than ever.
Being alone is not only sad but also harmful to health.

Because it is so difficult to make friends and how to fight loneliness:

Couples can also be alone.

A relationship cannot meet all your needs. This is why it is necessary to have a group of friends, no matter if you have a life partner or not. Many couples feel happy with their relationship, but sometimes people feel pressure on their partner to trust them for everything.

The meetings are important.

People who have the same concerns, goals or live in the same area, are currently connected by social networks.

Before people organized meetings and events circles who managed to bring them.
If you feel alone, try to participate in these events that bring people together and that helps you connect directly with those with the same passions and concerns as you do.

Try to make new friends.

Too many people who want new friendships feel they don't have the time needed for these relationships.

But how to get something you want if you do nothing for this?
This is so important that you take a step forward, go out, socialize and try to be an open person.
You have to arrange meetings with friends you already have and you have to include in your life new people who might be friends forever.

Try to find people who can connect everyone else.

Each community has someone who loves to connect people.

You know he is the person because he has a huge number of friends on Facebook, he has a long smile, everyone knows him.
These people know how to organize meetings, parties, and events, communicate a lot and are a constant source of new friendships.
If you know a person like that you don't have to be afraid to get involved in everything she tries to organize. You have great opportunities to meet new interesting people.

You have to collaborate as a volunteer.

It is very simple and often nice to participate in the events and be attended. But you will feel more joy if you get involved as a volunteer. You will meet many people, also those who organize the events as volunteers. You have some values ​​in common with these people, which means they are very likely to understand you very well.
Volunteering can also, help you in case you suffer from anxiety.
You have to socialize with numerous people and in this way, you will overcome fear.

This rule can also be applied to informal meetings. You can arrive at someone's party and you can be a guest like any other or you can offer to help, and the person organizing the meeting will thank you. You will have an occupation, new conversations and it will be much easier to integrate and you will feel that you are really close to the people around you.

Be the one who connects people.

Instead of waiting to be invited, to meetings or other occasions, you can be the one who gives the start-up. Invite people and they will surely come. If they cannot come they will surely be grateful that you have called them.
Many people are very passive in their social lives and for fear of not being rejected they do not dare to be the initiators. It doesn't matter if it's a meal together or night when we watch a movie, a trip to a club or a walk in the park all you have to do, is invite whoever you want to have around you.

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