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Beauty Tips for Looking Younger

Health, Life, Family, personality, beauty, beautiful skin, 

Beauty Tips for Looking Younger

Every day we are bombarded with advertising and beauty tips trying to make us believe that there is a miracle drug that will keep us young, without getting old. But the truth is that from the day we were born, we began to grow old.

Taking care of what we have is the best option to have natural beauty and healthy skin. It seems very simple, doesn't it? But the truth is that the environment is affecting our skin every day.

My favorite beauty tips for healthy and fresh skin are these:

1. You have to stay hydrated. To eliminate toxins from the body and be hydrated, our body needs water and no other liquid such as soda or caffeine. Make sure you drink enough water, like about 8 glasses a day.

2. The skin must be protected from ultraviolet (UV) rays. We love being on the beach and being tanned but the truth is that UV rays can cause skin cancer and make our skin age faster.
If you go to the beach, you don't have to miss a sunscreen.

3. Our skin has to be clean. Always shower when you need it and make sure you don't scrub your skin, you will do more harm than good if you do.

4. Eat healthy food. How you feel depends on how and what we eat. Bad eating habits can cause weight gain, illness, depression.

What we have to do is not eat more calories than we are consuming. Every day we have to experience at least 30 minutes. Then you can run, walk, do aerobics or lift weights.

5. Don't worry about everything, be happy. When you are happy our body liberates endorphins and they relax the cardiovascular system.

To increase the joy, optimism and hope I leave some quick tips that work, no matter how old you are:

- Start making a list of all the good things that happen every day.
- You have to laugh a lot, this will heal your body and your mind.
- Every day you have to have a new challenge.
- Every day, for just 5 minutes try to meditate, it will do you good.

6. Having sex after 50.

Sex at middle age may be better than ever. The children have already grown and left home, you are no longer worried about building a career and everything is less stressful

Beauty is inside us, in our soul.

I want there to be a magic potion with which I could recover the soft skin that I had when I was just a child.
Well, until someone discovers the true "Fountain of Youth" you have to take care of what we have.

Just remember that getting older doesn't have to mean getting old.

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