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8 nutritional deficiencies that are responsible for depression and anxiety.


You do not have depression, you just need these vitamins.

Do you feel very tired and are you about to fall into depression?
You may be missing these 8 vitamins.

Your body is one of the most complex machines and to function at maximum capacity you need the right fuel.

 As we see food as something that can change our physical appearance, we rarely think about what impact food has on the brain.
Many people come to depression and anxiety and the reason for that is a nutritional deficiency.
Here are 8 of the well-known nutritional deficiencies that can cause depression and anxiety:

The B vitamins

The vitamin B complex is made up of 9 vitamins, which complement each other to provide the body with the energy it needs, cell curing and reduce stress.
It is well known that the lack of B vitamins influence mood and depression.
We found the B vitamins in green vegetables, nuts, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, red beets.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

The connection between the lack of folic acid and the appearance of depression is well known.
The lack of folic acid can also cause poor assimilation by the body of antidepressants.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin is very important to maintain the health of nerve cells. Makes a good team with vitamin B9. Lack of B12 can cause brain inflammations and an increased risk of depression and dementia.


It is a very effective mineral for body and mind relaxation. It reduces the level of stress, so it is very useful in preventing nervousness, depression, headaches, and panic attack.

If you are consuming alcohol, acid juices, coffee, foods high in salt and sugar, the level of magnesium in the body will decrease.

Good sources of magnesium are leafy vegetables, beans, lentil, chickpeas, seaweed.

Omega-3 fatty acids

An imbalance between Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids affects both physical health and mental health.
These acids are of vital importance to the body and their absence is related to a higher risk of depression.
The important sources of fatty acids are green vegetables, chia seeds, hemp seeds and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines.


This mineral is important because it helps the body respond well to stress. The lack of this mineral can cause depression.
The best sources of iron are oysters, which contain 500% of our daily needs.

Vitamin D

It is an extremely important vitamin and the lack of it is manifested by depression and panic attacks. Sunlight is the best source. If you can't get enough sun you have to consume foods like pollen, vitamin-enriched vegetable milk, spirulina.

Amino acids

For our body to function very well we need 12 different amino acids that ensure our mental health and represent the bricks that build proteins.
A deficiency of amino acids leads to the inability to concentrate, dizziness, slow down thinking and depression.

The best sources of amino acids are seeds, nuts, pollen, and beans.

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